Sunday, February 6, 2011

Will BlackBerries and Androids Soon Be a Thing of the Past?

The United States has just released the results of a recently conducted, extremely extensive survey of AT&T and Verizon Wireless smartphone customers. The results seem to suggest that come February 10, the day that Verizon’s iPhone is released, there will be quite a few drastic changes in the smartphone world.

The survey that was conducted by uSamp, “one of the world’s fastest growing technology and online sample companies,” who questioned 727 AT&T and Verizon smartphone users. The results were fascinating.

The survey showed that 54 percent of Verizon customers who owned BlackBerry or Android phones said that they were either “very likely” or “somewhat likely” to switch to the iPhone 4 on the launch day alone. However, another 33 percent said that they were “very unlikely” or “somewhat unlikely” to jump to the new device that will be offered at Verizon on the launch day, but that doesn’t mean those people won’t be looking to switch a little later after the device's debut.

Now, to break this down a little bit more, there were 66 percent of Verizon users who have BlackBerries who said that they would be likely or somewhat likely to purchase a Verizon iPhone 4 on its launch day. When the same question was asked of Verizon Android users, the numbers dropped to 44 percent. In total, there were a whole 24 percent of existing Verizon users that said that they were going to make the switch on launch day and planned on even standing in line in order to pick up a new device.

So what is the big reason for the switch? Well, according to 60 percent of all of the BlackBerry and Android users that were surveyed, the biggest reason seemed to be the difference in interface. It seemed as though those users preferred iPhone 4’s web browsers. Also, media, which includes a phone’s ability to easily play or transfer media, seemed to be causing BlackBerry and Android users to switch as well.

However, despite all these reasons that are causing users to want to switch platforms, there is a huge factor that is causing many users to stick to their current devices…price. More than half of the Verizon customers that were surveyed, 64 percent, claimed that the cost of the device by Apple was the largest reason as to why they would not be making the switch. To add to this, 41 percent—when asked if they were having any second thoughts about switching to Verizon’s iPhone 4 after learning more about it—said that the cost of the device and the data plans associated with the device were still a very large roadblock in preventing them from making up their minds about whether or not to make the switch.

On the other side of things, the survey didn’t show as many interested AT&T users as I expected. Only 26 percent of AT&T customers surveyed said that they were “likely” or “somewhat likely” to buy the Verizon iPhone 4 on the launch day. The survey confirmed that the main reason that AT&T’s iPhone customers want to switch is because they are tired of dealing with dropped calls on AT&T’s network. So what’s holding them back? A whole 45 percent of those surveyed said the cost of the transition was just too much and that it was definitely holding them back from jumping at the opportunity to have an iPhone with Verizon service.

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